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UPDATE RD Sessions Failing to Launch in HA Cloud from Chromium v130 Browsers

There is a known issue with Reflection Desktop where the session does not load after the title screen is displayed when launched in HA Cloud from a Chromium v130 browser (MS Edge or Google Chrome).

The Reflection Desktop vendor has provided a hotfix to address this issue. The hotfix can be downloaded from the following link and provided to your appropriate end user support to have the software loaded onto your workstation:

"Failed to validate cert" Java Error Fix

These steps are used to replace the JAR file cached on your local workstation. To replace it, you will need to clear the files. Following the provided directions will allow the updated JAR file to be used and will alleviate the "Failed to validate certificate" Java error.

1. Close ALL browsers.

2. Open Java Control Panel. (If you do not have Configure Java, skip to step 2b)

a. Locate Configure Java on workstation by searching within the Start menu (If you have Configure Java, skip to step 3).

b. Go to start menu and type control panel in the search bar. Click open.

c. In control panel, change the View by dropdown to large icons (boxed in yellow in below screenshot). Default is category.

d. Then click the Java icon.

3. Select Settings within the General tab

4. Select Delete Files…

5. Check ALL boxes (Trace and Log Files, Cached Applications and Applets, and Installed Applications and Applets) before selecting OK

6. Relaunch whichever browser you utilize to navigate back to MIAP and select Log In. You should be prompted with the below Java application request. To not receive this prompt anymore, select the ”Do not show…” checkbox to not be prompted for this again. Select Run

CHGU0140718 - New Java Prompt

MLOB MIAP is currently implementing CHGU0140718. During this time, users may experience the following prompt. If so, select Run and this will allow you to log in as intended.

Proper way to log out of an HA Cloud session in order to successfully terminate printer connection to the mainframe

In order to make sure the printer is successfully disconnected and available for the next logon when using the HA Cloud environment, it is important to logout of the mainframe application to a Supersession screen or the "JUMPS has logged you out" screen before disconnecting from the HA Cloud session. Examples for properly logging out of a HA Cloud printer session are illustrated on this VIDEO or as follows:

DCPS logoff procedures

1. Click the Quick Keys Button.

2. Click the "PF24" button.

a. That should take you to the SuperSession screen.

3. Click the Disconnect button in the upper left corner.

a. That should give you a completely black screen.

4. Click the little gray X under the address bar next to MECH MODEL 2 with...

a. That should give you a completely white screen with a blue banner.

5. Close browser tab.

a. That should take you back to the Assigned Sessions Tab; you can start a new session here or to finish logging off->.

6. Click your name in the upper right corner.

7. Click log out.

8. Close the browser.

DJMS logoff procedures

1. Type an x in the SSAN line to exit.

a. Should take you to a screen that says "JUMPS INQUIRIES SESSION ENDED."

b. If the application isn't logged out the printer will stay connected even when you end your HA Cloud session login.

2. Click the Disconnect button in the upper left.

3. Once the screen is all black, close the little sub-tab that has a black dot and your session name ... it should be the tiny gray X just above the Cut button.

a. If that little sub-tab isn't closed it will try to open two print sessions at the same time next time you try to log on and lock out the printer.

4. Close the browser tab, should be on a screen that is all white except for a blue banner. That will take you back to your Assigned Sessions tab which will still be logged in.

5. You can open a new session from here, or if you are done, click your name in the upper right corner and logout.

MISIL logoff procedures

1. After you have printed your report, Click Quick Keys button at the top of the screen next to Bold, has a keyboard with a lightning bolt symbol.

2. Click Clear to take you back a screen.

3. This screen should have an option that says "x to exit MISIL" or something similar, enter the x to exit.

4. This should take you to a logged off screen or a SuperSession screen. In either case, Click the Disconnect button in the upper left.

5. Once the screen is all black, close the little sub-tab that has a black dot and your session name ... it should be the tiny gray X just above the Cut button.

6. Close the browser tab. That will take you back to your Assigned Sessions tab which will still be logged in.

7. You can open a new session from here, or if you are done, click your name in the upper right corner and logout.

Java applet support will no longer be available with future Java releases after Java version 1.8.

The DISA Mainframe Line of Business (MLOB) is in the process of converting MIAP to utilize an alternative non-Java based emulator, expected to be available in production beginning Q3 FY19. Until the alternative solution has been implemented, MIAP users are required to remain on Java version 1.8 to maintain current functionality with DISA-hosted IBM and Unisys mainframe applications.

Attention All MIAP Customers "Bad Key Format" Error

As a work around please clear the Java cache and disable the Java temporary internet files by following the directions provided in the link below.

Attention All MIAP Customers "JAVA Update Prompt"

If you receive a message "Your Java version is out of date." that queries you to respond to one of three options "(Update, Block, or Later)", SELECT OPTION 3 "Later".

If option 1 "Update (recommended)" is selected, then each subsequent attempt to logon to MIAP will redirect the user to the to download the latest version of Java, that will result in failure to install and unsuccessful access to the website/application. If option 2 "Block" is selected, each visit to the website thereafter will not work because the web browser application will block the JRE.

If you are receiving the "Java Update Needed" popup please open a local ticket. This is a local issue due to a group policy being pushed by your end user support.

Accessibility/Section 508

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. & 794d) as amended in 1999. Send feedback or concerns related to the accessibility of this website to: For more information about Section 508, please visit the DoD Section 508 Website.

Java Access Bridge 2.0.3 is included with JRE 7u6 and later versions. By default, Java Access Bridge is not enabled. To enable Java Access Bridge please follow the instructions in the following link:

Enabling Java Access Bridge

JRE versions prior to 7u6 users will need to download Java Access Bridge software onto their workstation. Please contact to request the software.

Have you recently received a new CAC/PIV Card?

If you are receiving an authentication error when logging onto MIAP and have been issued a new CAC or PIV card, please contact the Service Desk support team for assistance Toll Free: 1-844-347-2457 (1-844-DISA HLP) or DSN: 850-0032. Press 1 for Applications and hold for the next available agent.

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